Album Profile: "The Process Of A Limo Nation"


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Watch the music video for "Feet On The Ground"
Watch the music video for "The Process Of A Limo Nation"

"The Process Of A Limo Nation" is the fourth album from Sun Holes. Recording began in mid 2015 and all 10 tracks are completed. The album was released on Bandcamp January 31st, 2016.

This is a concept album about money and power.

The first track, "Feet On The Ground" is about people who have control over their power, and even posess the insight to know when they've taken on too much of it.

The second track, "Fun With Money" is about just that, having fun with money.

The third track, "Do What I Say" is about men having complete control over women.

The fourth track, "Happy Evil Thing" is about women having complete control over men. Nothing like equality, eh?

The fifth track, "Give You The Moon" is about that unseen power of love, and what it can motivate us to do on its behalf, regardless of right or wrong.

The sixth track, "Money Is God" is all about greed.

The seventh track, "Keeping Up" is the story of the Jones's influence on some people.

The eigth track, "Power Surge" is all about that lustful thirst for power.

The ninth track, "The Process Of A Limo Nation" is the abstract story of the battle between the classes.

The tenth track, "Solace" is about finding peace amid the turmoil of this power-hungry world we live in.


all content ©2016 Sun Holes Music